Tuesday, November 27, 2012

People StyleWatch Features Qtica Half Time!

Dry polish faster...

How many times have you gone to walk out the door and noticed your freshly painted manicure is smudged or dented? Is it possible to dry nails super quickly and be on your way in no time, worry free? People StyleWatch says YES!

"Quick-dry drops really work, says celeb manicurist Lisa Logan. They shorten drying time by up to 60%!"  - People StyleWatch

Pro Tip: After applying your base coat, two thin coats of color and a top coat, allow nails to air dry for at least a minute before applying quick-dry drops. Angle nails downward and apply one drop at the cuticle base, allowing it to spread evenly. 

Not only is Zoya Nail Polish's sister brand, Qtica, featured in this month's issue of People StyleWatch - check out this beautiful Zoya Ad! Now, who's ready for some festive (non-smudged) holiday mani-pedis?!


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